This 22-year-old resells abandoned cargo and turned it into a 7-figure business

The pandemic has caused a tsunami of supply-chain snarls for many small businesses but 22-year-old Jake Slinn has been able to ride the wave to seven-figure success. "As sad as it is, with so many companies going bust during COVID, it's been a good period for us," said Slinn, whose business, JS Global Group,serves

  • Jake Slinn founded the cargo-salvage company JS Global Group when he was 19.
  • His company recycles, disposes of, and resells abandoned cargo from docks.
  • He's made it a lucrative business and still managed to keep operations lean.

The pandemic has caused a tsunami of supply-chain snarls for many small businesses — but 22-year-old Jake Slinn has been able to ride the wave to seven-figure success. 

"As sad as it is, with so many companies going bust during COVID, it's been a good period for us," said Slinn, whose business, JS Global Group, serves as a one-stop shop for the destruction, recycling, disposal, and salvaging of goods for commercial shipping lines in the United Kingdom and Europe.

The No. 1 priority for commercial cargo and freight carriers, Slinn told Insider, is ensuring that once their vessels are docked at the port, the shipping containers are unloaded and emptied as quickly as possible, allowing the carriers to get their containers back into circulation. But that's often easier said than done, and sometimes hundreds of thousands of abandoned shipping containers are left behind. 

Container shipments go unclaimed for a variety of reasons, Slinn said. In some cases, the company has gone bankrupt, or a shipment of seasonal items or perishables arrived too late to be sold. In other cases, the goods didn't pass customs inspections. 

"If a container is sitting full, it's costing shipping lines money, and that's not good for their business," Slinn said, adding that once the requisite amount of time has passed — 90 days in the UK and Europe — abandoned cargo becomes the property of the carrier. At that point, they can opt to destroy or sell it. 

That's where Slinn comes in. "Destruction of goods is our bread and butter, and we never turn down a job," he said.

Since he started his business four years ago, he's been tasked with destroying just about everything, from 25 tons of rotten pork chops after a faulty temperature-controlled container mishap to 18 containers of red cabbage gone bad when the now-famous container ship Ever Given made headlines after it got stuck in the Suez Canal last year. He's also had to dispose of counterfeit N95 face masks and electric scooters that didn't pass UK customs standards.

His most surprising find so far? A shipment of abandoned breast implants. Since they're considered medical devices, he said, he couldn't risk the liability of putting them on the market, so like many of his finds, he had them destroyed. 

This year, JS Global Group hit the million-dollar mark in revenue, and Slinn said the company's on track to bring in £1.3 million, or about $1.6 million.

Climbing the ranks in waste management before starting his own company

Slinn's father, Nigel, worked in the waste-management sector, and growing up, Slinn said he was fascinated by waste, especially how and where goods are recycled.

When he was 16, Slinn dropped out of high school and took a job as an apprentice in the waste industry, working his way up the ranks to become a business account executive at Sackers, the local scrap-metal and waste-recycling company where his father worked and remains employed today.

Slinn said that's when he first noticed a gap in the marketplace. Three years later, while still living at home with his parents, Slinn took the plunge and went out on his own, launching his cargo- and freight-disposal business with just £400 in savings.

In the beginning, Slinn said he would take on small jobs, such as moving one palette of expired food, but it wasn't long before the work snowballed into larger jobs, thanks to his industry contacts. By the end of the first year in business, his company brought in £120,000 in revenue. 

These days, Slinn moves anywhere from 200 to 500 containers a year. A standard 40-foot shipping container holds a maximum of 29 tons, and according to Slinn, customers pay on average £175 per ton, although pricing varies depending on the item.

Perishables tend to be the most common items requiring destruction, Slinn said, and that in addition to being paid to dispose of food no longer fit for consumption, he can also earn fees since food can be turned into anaerobic digestion and used to generate electricity.

Expanding into resale and salvage

Not all abandoned containers are filled with expired, unsafe, or counterfeit goods. Sometimes Slinn's customers have abandoned stock on their hands that they want to sell fast, which is how he wound up getting into the salvage and resale side of the business. Just last month, he said, he bought a container of abandoned bikinis and resold them to a customer in Dubai, sight unseen. Another time, he said, a shipment marked as "household goods" turned out to be an automobile. Slinn kept the car for himself and plans to use it for promotional purposes down the line.  

"We have no idea what we'll be getting every day, and that to me is both the most challenging and exciting part of the job," Slinn said. "Each job requires us to think outside the box and determine the best cost-effective action to take to either dispose, import, or export product, and once it's done, it's a great feeling."

He said that he compares his work to completing a giant jigsaw puzzle, scouring for all the pieces until he finds the right fit.  

Keeping the business lean

To date, the only full-time employees at JS Global Group are Slinn, his older brother, Jez, and his mother. Slinn said his father is looking to retire soon, and he hopes to get him to come on board in some capacity. 

Slinn operates his business out of a small office. He partners with destruction plants across the UK and Europe, where he's able to secure premium rates because of the volume of goods his company brings in — however, he said, the business is now at the point that it's looking for its own warehouse to store some of the salvaged goods. 

While Slinn has made a name for himself in a short time in the UK and Europe, he wants to expand globally and has his eye set on America.

"One of the things that surprised me the most about this business is that the shipping industry never sleeps," he said. "Somewhere, someone is always moving something around the world. We've hit a lot of jackpots so far, but I haven't found gold bars yet."

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