AI is accelerating the recruitment process but tech leaders warn of bias and other risks

Filling an open role at a company can be a difficult, time-consuming experience for recruiters. It could take several weeks, or even months, for hiring managers to parse through applications and set up interviews.

  • HR and recruitment teams are beginning to use AI tools in multiple stages of the hiring process.
  • This tech-driven approach can help hiring leaders evaluate candidates' résumés and skills faster.
  • Still, experts say using AI in recruitment requires careful execution to avoid bias.
  • This article is part of "Build IT," a series about digital-tech trends disrupting industries.

Filling an open role at a company can be a difficult, time-consuming experience for recruiters. It could take several weeks, or even months, for hiring managers to parse through applications and set up interviews.

But with 67% of human-resources professionals in a survey from the customer-service platform Tidio saying they see the value in artificial-intelligence tools, it's clear the hiring process is in a major transition.

Tech leaders and scholars told Business Insider that HR and recruitment teams were increasingly using AI tools at multiple stages of the hiring process — from reviewing résumés to short-listing candidates — while developing ethical parameters to temper the risks and biases of AI. They predicted the tools would make the hiring process faster for HR workers and could even prove valuable to job seekers.

The future of recruitment can be more streamlined and automated with AI, experts say

From sourcing talent to answering standard candidate questions, some experts believe AI tools could make the hiring process better and faster.

Lindsey Zuloaga, the chief data scientist at the AI-based hiring company HireVue, told BI that clients have used her company's AI-powered tools, such as chat-based job matching, to "automate mundane tasks and improve fairness in their processes."

Applying AI technologies to the recruitment process may also "redefine how organizations source talent and how HR teams operate," Pamela Maynard, the CEO of the IT consulting firm Avanade, said. For example, she told BI, AI helps recruiters leverage big data to get through tasks such as "analyzing CVs and job applications," as well as "sourcing and screening candidates" quicker.

"By matching the skills and experience on the supply side with business/client demands, recruiters will be able to more quickly review/assess the suitability of the individual to a role," she said.

AI technologies, Maynard said, have the power to improve efficiencies within recruitment departments as well.

"Depending on the quality of data that the recruitment team has, AI can even carry out activity that usually requires human intelligence, such as predicting a candidate's success ahead of hiring and even how they may fit culturally in an organization," she said.

"AI can use data to look at the candidate's skills, background, and experience to determine how successful they will be in a role before hiring them," she added. "For example, AI can look at the résumés of the applicants and rank them based on how well they match to qualifications of prior successful candidates, using information such as education, skills, achievements, and interests."

Despite this, Paolo Pescatore, a tech analyst, told BI that changes in a person's emotions and personal circumstances, or in a company's objectives and internal culture, could "impact performance." "Too much focus is being placed on AI," he added, at a time when the technology is still in its infancy.

How AI could benefit job candidates

The emergence of AI-driven talent-intelligence tools stands to benefit job seekers, Alexandra Levit, a workforce consultant and futurist, said. She told BI that machine-learning methods could analyze candidates' adjacent, transferable skills, giving them a fighting chance to pursue a new career with little to no direct experience. AI can also flag these skills to recruiters and help them ensure the candidate would be a good fit for the role in question.

"It also helps determine current organizational capabilities and future needs by taking into account a global dataset of standardized job descriptions and requirements," Levit added.

She said that talent-intelligence platforms pulled "millions of profiles and job descriptions" from the internet, using this information to "predict what people will do next in their careers," as well as any skills they "aren't listing or talking about."

"Recruiters can also use these platforms to conduct competitor analysis and work out the most important skills in their sector," she added.

Roger Philby, the founder and CEO of the Chemistry Group, a business-management consultancy, said other capabilities of AI-based predictive models were scoring candidates and ensuring "assessment results relate to job performance." This can be used to "provide candidates with actionable feedback that's more meaningful and delivered in plain language," he added. For instance, this could be feedback on how a candidate did in an interview and ways they could improve in future interviews, he added.

Some say AI tools could make recruiting more fair

While there's plenty of evidence of bias in AI, Zuloaga of HireVue said she'd seen her company's tools increase the diversity of talent pools for many clients.

"As compared with human decision-making, many of our customers see an increase in diversity when hiring processes are highly standardized and use algorithms that are optimized with fairness in mind," she said. "With AI, we can tune out any unnecessary information that can lead to adverse impact towards demographic groups."

Seun Kolade, a professor of entrepreneurship and digital transformation at Sheffield Business School, told BI he agreed that AI could help recruiters make the hiring process more fair but said it's not a "magic wand." Recruiters can realize the benefits of AI technologies, he added, only when their algorithms are "carefully designed and properly trained."

He added that recruiters should view AI technology "as an assistant" and "not a replacement," stressing the importance of having "diverse hiring committees who can offer a wider range of perspectives," in addition to "balanced decision-making."

But beware: AI recruitment can still be risky

While AI technology is helping recruiters in many ways, there are some risks to consider and mitigate.

In 2022, researchers at Cambridge University found that AI recruitment tools weren't capable of eradicating bias or boosting diversity during the hiring process. And in 2018, Amazon ditched its plans to use an AI hiring tool after it showed prejudice against female applicants. Amazon, along with Unilever, Microsoft, and others, has since signed on to a set of principles and protocols for trustworthy AI-based hiring solutions.

These problems often arise because of biased historical data used for training AI recruitment technologies, Maynard said. She added that when this was the case, AI tools might "make unfair or discriminatory decisions" regarding "gender, race, age, or other protected characteristics."

"When the percentage of developers building AI models and solutions largely represent one ethnic, gender, and age group, the risk of bias and discrimination in future iterations is too great," she said. "It is essential to carefully monitor and address bias in AI recruitment tools and increase diversity and inclusion in the teams that are designing the tools."

To comply with evolving AI regulations and use automated recruitment tools safely, Levit advises firms to create a code of conduct that outlines what technology should and shouldn't be used for.

Companies can also "boost morale" in their recruitment and HR teams by communicating to employees that AI hiring tools won't replace them en masse, Levit told BI.

Recruiters might struggle to spot bias in AI recruitment tools, like ChatGPT, that pull information from unverified online sources, Annie Jackson, the head of talent at the AI-powered financial-budgeting app Cleo, said.

Jackson recommended that companies develop strict policies governing the use of AI hiring tools and provide their recruitment teams with bias training. Additionally, because automated hiring tools are powered by large datasets, implementing robust data protection and security measures should be another critical priority for recruitment teams that use AI.

Developing an effective AI recruitment strategy

Parul Mishra, the vice president of digital labor-product management at IBM, said recruitment and HR teams that want to begin using AI in their processes should choose easy-to-use tools.

"Highly technical solutions may not be the best fit for your team," she told BI. "Instead, look for tools that are low touch and low code."

Another important step for incorporating AI into recruiting and hiring strategies is "getting everyone on board with a responsible AI framework that ensures trust and transparency," Maynard said.

This should determine where AI has the most potential to solve a business challenge and how it can deliver the most immediate impact, Maynard said, adding that it should establish clear guidelines that honor corporate values.

Organizations must "create clear processes for managing and mitigating risks, set clear performance-management objectives, and document all proposed and implemented AI use cases" when using the technology as part of their recruitment efforts, she added.

It's also essential for recruiters to "become familiar with different offerings and explore unique ways to use this technology," Mishra said. "AI may not replace recruiters, but the recruiters that use AI will replace those that do not."

