My dad hates tattoos, but he got a matching one with me to show that he loves me

My dad always tells the story of how when I was a little kid, I would point out people with tattoos wherever we were. We'd be sitting having lunch at a restaurant and I would go, "look, a tattoo!" every time I saw one.

  • I've been into tattoos since I was too young to even get one.
  • My parents are very conservative when it comes to appearance. 
  • When I was in college, my dad asked if I would get a matching tattoo with him. 

My dad always tells the story of how when I was a little kid, I would point out people with tattoos wherever we were. We'd be sitting having lunch at a restaurant and I would go, "look, a tattoo!" every time I saw one.

I begged my parents — who are very conservative when it comes to physical appearance — to let me get a tattoo before I turned 18. They said I could stick to less permanent body modifications like piercings. My mom took me to get my ear cartilage pierced at 14, and then my belly button at 15.

My parents, especially my dad, hated tattoos so much I didn't think they would ever approve of me getting one.

So I was incredibly surprised when my dad suggested we get matching tattoos when I was 21.

I got my first ink at 18

I was relentless when it came to asking my parents for permission to get a tattoo. I'm an only child and never even thought of the possibility of getting one without telling them. Just the idea stressed me out.

I kept asking for a tattoo and they kept saying no. Exhausted, my dad made a deal with me. If I got into the university they wanted me to attend, then I could get my first tattoo.

The day I got the acceptance letter, I made an appointment. Both my parents came with me — they thought tattoo parlors were a bad place for a teenage girl to be alone in. I got three blue stars (to represent my family) and was beaming with excitement.

At 21 my dad asked if I wanted to get a tattoo with him

We've had our issues through the years, but I've always been incredibly close to my parents. Even now, I talk to them at least once a day.

When my dad asked me if I wanted to get a matching tattoo with him, I was more surprised at him wanted to get a tattoo than us doing something meaningful together.

I obviously said yes. I would've used any excuse to get a new tattoo, especially if it meant that my dad was OK with it.

To this day, I'm not sure what led him to suggest getting a tattoo. He said he thought it'd be a fun bonding experience, but I also think he was going through a bit of a midlife crisis after having just retired. Nonetheless, it made me feel more connected and accepted by my dad in ways I never expected to be.

I have 22 tattoos now, but the one I got with him is a favorite

We chose the design together: one small star with another thicker one around it, in a way it was representing us: me the small star, and him the bigger star wrapping around me. He got the tattoo on his left shoulder blade and I got mine on the back of my neck. Mine didn't hurt that much, but he said it was excruciating (I think he might have been exaggerating a bit to seem tough).

He proceeded to tell all of his friends about our tattoos, unbuttoning his shirt to show off his scabby shoulder. His pride made me feel so loved, and it still does.

I know that if tattoos hadn't been my thing, he would've never gotten one. In fact, that's his one and only.

Many years and tattoos later, those stars are some of my favorite designs. They're a reminder of the unconditional love my dad has for me.

